How Far Back Can a SaaS Company Claim R&D Tax Credits?

SaaS founders discovering that their business qualifies for R&D tax credits often lament that they didn’t take advantage of the credits sooner – but presuming qualifying activities took place in previous years, you may be able to retroactively file for this lucrative credit. In this post, we’ll outline the basics

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Maximize Year-End Purchases with the Section 179 Deduction

As the end of the year approaches, many business owners seek out last-minute opportunities to reduce their tax liability for the current year while making strategic investments for the future. If this sounds like you, taking advantage of the Section 179 deduction could be a smart move. How the Section

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5 Benefits to End-of-Year Tax Planning Meetings

When it comes to taxes, the first month that pops into most people’s minds is April – but the most important tax month of the year should be November or December. Why? Because thinking about taxes before the year starts is the only way to engage proactive planning and achieve

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ASC 606 Revenue Recognition for SaaS companies blog post banner with button that says revenue

SaaS Revenue Recognition and ASC 606

Proper revenue recognition is one of the more complex compliance issues for SaaS companies. Causes for complications include: The solution, as outlined in the ASC 606 standards, is for SaaS businesses to recognize revenue when the service is delivered – not when the payment is received. This isn’t always simple

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SaaS investor looking at KPIs on phone

12 SaaS KPIs Investors Are Looking For

Whether you plan on raising capital or bootstrapping all the way, knowing and tracking the KPIs investors value most is a surefire bet to keep your business on the right path. In this post, we’ll provide a rundown of the key metrics that demonstrate your growth potential, financial health, and

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