1040 Tax Prep: To plan or procrastinate? That is the question

Quick question: How will your 2024 tax return look different than the one you just filed last month?

Don’t have an answer?

Then you might just be a tax procrastinator.

The good news is that we have a way to fix that.

Tax season is over!

Woo-hoo! Time to bury your head in the sand and take the rest of the year off from thinking about taxes.

If you didn’t catch the sarcasm here, that’s because THIS is what most 1040 filers do. They scramble to get all their docs together in March, pray their accountants can work some magic in April, and then exhale when it’s all over and finished with.

Unfortunately, by the time you are gathering docs, it’s too late to make a real impact on your tax burden.

If you want to pay less on tax day, the time to start thinking about strategy and tax efficiency is TODAY, and NOT once the fiscal year has already finished.

Why fly blind?

There’s no reason any taxpayer should pay any more taxes than they need to, but achieving full tax efficiency requires the help of an experienced CPA – or better yet, a team of them.

Introducing 1040 Essentials™

1040 Essentials™ is our advisory package designed exclusively for individual tax filers who meet specific qualifications where professional and proactive tax direction will lead to increased wealth and reduced taxes.

An Essentials plan goes above and beyond professional tax preparation to give you the tools, personal guidance and insights to ensure that your tax return is the result of strategic planning and NOT a surprise.

Is 1040 Essentials™ right for you?

Download an informational brochure to find out if an Essentials plan is a good fit for achieving your financial goals.

The one-pager includes:

  • Optimal candidate questionnaire
  • Plan approach
  • Benefits of adapting your financial routine

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